Thursday, September 25, 2008

McCain-Bush meeting plus Obama

David Kurtz over at Talking Points Memo goes some way toward answering the question I posed about the substance of the White House meeting between Bush, McCain, and Obama. He quotes Dana Perino:
"Sen. McCain is the one who called for the meeting, and we thought it was a good idea."

What?! So now Bush is letting McCain call the shots at the White House? When in the course of American history has any candidate for president called a high-level meeting at the White House? Perhaps if the candidate was Vice-President at the time. Maybe. The simple fact that McCain and Bush belong to the same political party does not entitle McCain to wield such clout.

Perino's comments came about two hours ago. The stories in the mainstream media all suggest, however, that Bush called the meeting and invited McCain and Obama.

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