Friday, September 26, 2008

Rep. Spencer Bachus for VP?

What else is Bachus doing for the McCain campaign? For all we know, Bachus could be jockeying for McCain's next vice-presidential nod after he's forced to dump Palin when Biden tears her apart in their first debate, should it ever happen.

A Bachus press release from today:
As I made clear in the meeting this morning, I was not authorized by my colleagues to make any agreement on behalf of House Republicans.
There was progress on many issues, but no agreement other than to continue discussions.
I suppose after pulling a stunt like he pulled earlier today he'd better make an effort to "make clear" what exactly he was "authorized" to do.

I wonder, though, why wouldn't the Ranking Member of the House Financial Services Committee be authorized to speak for his party? I can't help but suspect that the McCain campaign has inserted itself actively into the House negotiations, which would enable McCain to vote with his fellow Republican senators when it is politically expedient for him to do so while still exerting some level of control over the discussions in the House.

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