Friday, September 26, 2008

McCain Campaign Technique: Positive Visualization

I've seen posted the video of Chris Weber calling time-out against Duke when Michigan was out of time-outs, but I think another basketball analogy works much better here. I remember watching an old basketball instructional video, probably sent to my Dad from Sports Illustrated, starring the late, great Red Auerbach and the still great Larry Bird. Auerbach asks Bird about his free-throw shooting technique. Bird replies that before he even takes the shot, he closes his eyes and visualizes the ball going through the hoop. Astonished, Auerbach asks (something to the effect of), "You mean you actually watch yourself shooting and making the free throw before you even take the shot?" "That's right, Coach," Bird says.

Maybe McCain is using the old visualization technique for his campaign. He was practicing for the debate earlier this week when he began visualizing how things would actually go against Obama Friday night. Clearly, he freaked out and realized that there was no way that ball was going through the hoop unless he did something maverick-y right away. Hence, "suspends" his campaign, mucks up bail-out negotiations, un-suspends campaign. McCain opened his eyes and realized that he was still standing at the free throw line with the entire arena watching him sway back and forth with his eyes closed, waiting for him to shoot the ball.

Only he isn't a basketball player at the free throw line. He's the Republican Party's candidate for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. And no one fouled him, so he should never have been at the free throw line.

Can't wait to watch the debate tonight!

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